Safety and Health Council of North Carolina

A non-profit association preventing injury through
safety education and training since 1960!

OSHA 501

Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry

OSHA Partnership - Safety and Health Council of North Carolina and NC State University's OSHA Training!


Overview - 30 MESH Hours - $825

Successful completion of this course results in participants becoming OSHA-authorized trainers in OSHA's Outreach Training Program. Authorized trainers can conduct both 10-hour and 30-hour general industry classes that provide training to workers and employers on the recognition, avoidance, abatement, and prevention of safety and health hazards in workplaces along with information regarding workers' rights, employer responsibilities, and how to file a workplace safety complaint. OSHA-authorized trainers are able to issue 10 and 30-hour course completion cards to participants.

During the course, students will work with a partner to develop a presentation and teach an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach topic, and successfully pass a written exam. Participants will be provided with a variety of training materials and resources.

2021 Dates:

August 31-September 3 In Person Charlotte

2022 Dates In Person in Charlotte:

June 7-10 or September 27-30

Registration ONLY through NCSU IES